
What is Sound Life?

2 Timothy 1:7

For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.

Sound has multiple layers of meaning that resonate with our purpose ( noun, verb, & adjective)

1. Vibration sound wave, or cause a sound – We seek to bring the message of God’s grace and goodness far and wide, even as far as digital sound waves reach these days.

2. Healthy, in good condition, not damaged; reasonable and good sense – We seek to equip faith communities with a sound, Biblical foundation for understanding themselves and their collective mission.

3. To measure depth, examine or question – In all our work, we seek to listen to God for his leading, grow in self-awareness, and foster spiritual discernment in community.

4. A narrow stretch of water forming an inlet between two larger areas of water – We seek to be bridges connecting East and West by connecting diverse people with like-minded purposes and passions.


Who We Are

We’re Arash and April, the founders of Sound Life Global. We’re a married couple with decades of combined experience in ministry. We’re passionate about partnering with you to equip and encourage Christian leaders so they can be healthy and fruitful longterm. 


Our Mission

Sound Life exists to equip and encourage Persian-speaking faith communities globally through training & coaching, counseling, and resource development so they may thrive and reflect Christ to the world around them. 


Our Values

Good News – Our lives are centered around worshipping God and delighting in God’s grace through Jesus Christ. Embracing God’s message of Hope brings transformation, both in our lives and those we get to serve every day. Nurturing a vibrant relationship with Him directs everything we do. 

Prayer – Similarly, we believe that prayer and intercession in community fuels and encourages our service. Through it we deepen our trust and dependence on God for every area of our lives. 

Integrity and Excellence – We are committed to living and serving with transparency and integrity. Moreover, we are dedicated to devoting our best efforts to God’s glory and the good of others in all we do. 

Kingdom Partnerships – We seek to work together across the global body of Christ in a spirit of interdependence built on trust. We believe in the power of building bridges with those who are different from us. We have seen the impossible become possible through Spirit-led synergy. 

Servant Leadership – We believe that leaders are called to serve and empower, lifting up others. As we pour into the next generation of leaders, we continue to learn from Christ’s example of discipleship. 

Responsible Stewardship – Seeing God’s generosity to us in every area of our lives, we take our responsibility seriously to care for the people, time, finances, and gifts of all kinds that He has provided. We are committed to relationships of accountability with our partners and senders, so that resources are directed appropriately and effectively.